The Art of Achievement

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund Celebrates 120 Years of Vision & Action

In 2022 KKL-JNF celebrated its 120th anniversary with a large exhibition displayed on the walls of Ben Gurion Airport. This remarkable exhibit reviewed the history of the Land of Israel from the twin aspects of vision and Zionist activity. KKL-JNF provided the “acts” – the foundations upon which the Land of Israel was built: land, field, pioneering, initiative, the Blue Box and the pickaxe. Creative artists and intellectuals provided the “art” for the exhibition: the works they produced inspired by KKL-JNF’s activities.

This modest display presents a small sample from the exhibition, combining historic photographs and works of art that portray KKL-JNF’s activities and its major role in developing the land, which continues today as vigorously as ever.

The exhibition is displayed in the lounge of Ussishkin West Hall
To arrange your arrival, please call: 026558558

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Getting at ICC

The International Convention Center – Binyanei Hauma, is located on the entrance to Jerusalem, within a short car drive from Tel Aviv and even shorter from the Ben Gurion International Airport. It is accessible from roads No. 1, No. 6 (a toll road), and No. 443. As such, it is highly accessible from any direction. The Center is a few minutes-walk from the Railway Station, the Light Train station, and the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.

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