Children of Israel draw during wartime


The initiative/ project HeartDraw led by The Fund for Innovative Education, founded by Prof. Marcella Brener,  took place during the first two months of the Iron Swords War/ Gaza-Israel war.

This is a rare opportunity to glimpse into their emotional world, in real time, during the war.

Credit: Yarden Nevo 5th grade from Ness Ziona.

The exhibition is displayed in the lounge of Ussishkin East Hall
To arrange your arrival, please call: 026558558

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Getting at ICC

The International Convention Center – Binyanei Hauma, is located on the entrance to Jerusalem, within a short car drive from Tel Aviv and even shorter from the Ben Gurion International Airport. It is accessible from roads No. 1, No. 6 (a toll road), and No. 443. As such, it is highly accessible from any direction. The Center is a few minutes-walk from the Railway Station, the Light Train station, and the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.

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