Starts: February 25, 2025

The 20th Israel Materials Engineering Conference

ICC Jerusalem is proud to host


The 20th Israel Materials Engineering Conference


IMEC-20 follows the tradition of previous IMEC conferences which bring together material scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and the industry. IMEC-20 will provide an excellent platform for networking, exchange of information, discussions, exploring new joint research programs and revealing future opportunities.

The conference will focus on the following topics:
2D Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Characterization Methods, Biomaterials, Ceramics and Composite Materials, Computational Materials Science, Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Functional Materials, Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, Mechanical Properties and Failure, Nanomaterials, Physical Metallurgy, Polymers and Colloids, Quantum Materials, Semiconductors and Electronic Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces.

Looking forward to see you!

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Getting at ICC

The International Convention Center – Binyanei Hauma, is located on the entrance to Jerusalem, within a short car drive from Tel Aviv and even shorter from the Ben Gurion International Airport. It is accessible from roads No. 1, No. 6 (a toll road), and No. 443. As such, it is highly accessible from any direction. The Center is a few minutes-walk from the Railway Station, the Light Train station, and the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.

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